Monday, March 29, 2010

This just in from Everywhere, USA…


Child Protective Services prides itself on striving to be “transparent”  (probably lip-service)… This is what caseworkers who care are attempting to do when they go public with THE TRUTH. 

A CPS caseworker published his article, “Child (or agency) Protection”
( ),
on the American Family Rights Association website last November.

Apparently “transparency” sounds good so long as no citizen knows enough to challenge it.  When the truth emanates from within, that becomes a bit too close to home for those bureaucrats that have no intention of being transparent because they have everything to hide.

*actually the agency was not successful in its attempts to fire this caseworker (yet)…but, not for lack of trying!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Selling Point...(?)

I might as well mention right up front that this is not a blog that will accrue many friends and/or “followers.”  This website is for those who can “Handle the Truth.” I fear there are few of those in either camp: CPS-apologists or CPS-haters.

 The TRUTH about Child Protective Services lies somewhere between the contentious poles of these two camps, somewhere between “CPS is an honorable government entity that protects brutalized children” and “All CPS workers are closet sadists who hate children and families.”  That is, this blog will piss off employees of CPS as well as those in the myriad and sundry Hate-CPS groups.

TRUTH has been my biggest nemesis since I joined CPS because no one seems to want to hear it.  For those of you who can handle the truth, I think you can gain some valuable perspective from an insider that hates CPS but is helping people in spite of the bureaucracy.  Or, better said, protecting children and families from the bureaucracy.
There are two types of people that flourish in CPS: obsequious bureaucrats with blind-ambition and myopic, sadistic megalomaniacs.  If you can simply ignore the systemic truth in order to worship ambition or power, you might have a lengthy and satisfying career in CPS.  The rest of us (those who share the mentality of about 90% of the US populace) leave, are fired or suffer the fools gladly in order to save some of the kids from them (whilst raising our blood pressure and shaving years off our lives!).
You will not receive any training about civil or constitutional rights, much less the deleterious effects of foster care, in “CPS-school.”  TRUTH cannot be known, much less understood, unless an individual takes it upon him or herself to do independent research.  Lord knows you WILL NOT learn how to maintain families at any point (even in a ten-year CPS career).

Advocating for pesky things like the United States Constitution or other inconvenient civil rights will make you a pariah.  You see, other workers see you as a reminder that they’ve sold their soul.

And, alas, laws and rules are only effective if enforced.  So, if you find yourself at the mercy of CPS, you may as well not cite them.  Because no one, your caseworker, the judge, or even your own attorney, wants to be the one that helps send a kid home to his/her death.  “CYA” is King!  So, unfortunate or not, the ubiquitous advice that you simply humble yourself and cooperate is sound…at least it’s the most effective we have to date.